Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Why I Crossfit: From a small Nugget at Crossfit Peachtree

I couldn't say anything better than what a certain small nugget has written below. For those of you who currently are at CFPT this serves as a reminder that we have an unbelievable gym family. For those of you who currently work out somewhere else - I hope your gym is doing all of these things and more =)

Thanksgiving is an unbelievable time. Christmas has been been my
favorite holiday as long as I can remember but I have a new, new
appreciation for thanksgiving. The amazing thing is that after such a
difficult year, thanksgiving has a new place in my heart. I lost a lot
this year, an amazing friend who I will always hold next to my heart
and carry with me, my grandmother, an amazingly strong woman and a
super strong role model for my life, and my job (which is actually a
good thing in the end), but in spite of all of that I have so much to
be thankful for- An amazing family, a boyfriend who makes me want to
be a better person everyday, a great group of friends, finally a job I
love, and a second family.

I joined Crossfit Peachtree in January and never expected it to become
what it has in my life, I thought a gym was a gym and it didn't matter
whether the people were nice, you went there to work out and to be
done- I didn't know that CFPT would be my new community and a second
family to me. Walking into Crossfit Peachtree everyday is probably one
of the highlights and I actually feel like myself more inside of the
walls then a lot of other places.

When I try to explain CFPT to people they look at me like I'm crazy,
they don't understand why a 4 foot 11 girl wants to clean and jerk her
body weight or why everything is in class form or why I hang out with
gym people so much but it's because they've never truly experienced
it- the gym has truly become a support system, a great community. I
love when I'm struggling with a WOD and I hear someone in the class
cheer me on, not just a trainer but someone pushing themselves right
next to me!

So here is my advice to you- tell the people who make your life
better, tell them thank you for everything ... I want to say thank you
to Ray and B for creating and nurturing and growing such a great
community and to the amazing people at CFPT who support me, push me,
and encourage me in spite of myself.

Now, to go undo all my good paleo and eat a pound of Mac n' cheese and
pumpkin cupcakes with honey cinnamon cream cheese icing.

Happy Thanksgiving

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